================ mPDF 5.7.2 15/05/2014 ================ Files changed (from 5.7.1) ------------- mpdf.php classes/cssmgr.php classes/svg.php classes/tocontents.php Bug Fixes --------- - not printing at all (since v5.7) - list-style incorrectly overriding list-style-type in cascading CSS - page-break-after:avoid not taking into account bottom padding and margin when estimating if next line can fit on page - images not displayed when using "https://" if images are referenced by src="//domain.com/image" - +aCJK incorrectly parsed when instantiating class e.g. new mpDF('ja+aCJK') - line-breaking - zero-width object at end of line (e.g. index entry) causing a space left untrimmed at end of line - ToC since v5.7 incorrectly handling non-ascii characters, entities or tags - cell height miscalculated when using hard-hyphenate - border colors set with transparency not working - transparency settings for stroke and fill interfering with one another - 'float' inside a HTML header/footer - not clearing the float before first line of text - error if script run across date change at midnight - temporary file name collisions (e.g. when processing images) if numerous users - position attribute not working - < (less-than sign) inside a PRE element, and NOT start of a valid tag, was incorrectly removed - file attachments not opening in Reader XI - JPG images not recognised if not containing JFIF or Exif markers - instance of preg_replace with /e modifier causing error in PHP 5.5 - correctly handle CSS URLs with no scheme - Index entries causing errors when repeat entries are used within page-break-inside:avoid, rotated tables etc. - table with fixed width column and long word in cell set to colspan across this column (adding spare width to all columns) - incorrect hyphenation if multiple soft-hyphens on line before break - SVG images - objects contained in being displayed - SVG images - multiple, or quoted fonts e.g. style="font-family:'lucida grande', verdana" not recognised - SVG images - line with opacity=0 still visible (only in some PDF viewers/browsers) - text in an SVG image displaying with incorrect font in some PDF viewers/browsers - SVG images - fill:RGB(0,0,0) not recognised when uppercase - background images using data:image\/(jpeg|gif|png);base64 format - error when reading in stylesheet New CSS support --------------- - added support for style="opacity:0.6;" in SVG images - previously only supported style="fill-opacity:0.6; stroke-opacity: 0.6;" - improved PNG image handling for some cases of alpha channel transparency - khmer, cambodian and lao recognised as list-style-type for numbered lists SVG Images ---------- Limited support for and